Trigun Vol. 1 was disappointing. It was a good action movie though. But there were strange references and/or pacing that I didn't get. But keep in mind I am a very passive manga reader. If I were more into it or had more titles that I had read I may have a better judgement on this one. Oh well. Good art. Decent story. Reads pretty quick. [ B- ]
DEMO was awesome! Outstanding comic storytelling from two outstanding creators. The story leaves you wishing for more tales around the two main characters. But that just might be the point. DEMO is a 12-issue series. Each of which is a self-contained story with new characters in each. Brian Wood proclaims that the extra sketch book and other special features will NOT appear in a trade edition. Now that;s the way to get people to buy monthlies! Check out DEMO. You will not be disappointed. See Becky Cloonan's site too!
Komikwerks Vol. 2 was far less enjoyable than it's previous incarnation. Lots of good art and stories. Some were not geared to my taste and skipped. Thus the point of anthologies. But for $9.95 there's bound to be something for everyone's tastes.
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