Thursday, September 15, 2005

Lost: Season 1

Almost every night since Saturday I have been watching episodes of Lost on DVD. Now to put this into perspective, I haven't really been drawn into a series like this for years. I was fanatical about The X-Files. Followed Babylon 5 for five years. Even taped Deep Spce Nine for a while. Now given all those instances, I never took to the shows right away. I slowly warmed up to them and caught up on background frome friends (until recently there were no full season DVD collections). I had to catch up old school, by watching re-runs.

A close friend of mine had been telling me to watch Lost for some time now. I had been slightly interested. But I figured I missed most of the first season, I probably can't figure out who's who anyways. But then, on Saturday, my lovely wife surprises me with the first season on DVD. I have to tell you, between you, me and the internet...I am a Lost junkie! I should have listened my buddy from day one whe he said, "This show is like crack, I'm tellin' you." And he wasn't really exagerating either!

Hopefully I can watch the last of the episodes I haven't seen before next Wednesday. It works out well because I can have the DVD playing while I am coloring, typesetting or whatever I have on th docket for the night. Like I've always said, "Artists get to listen to a lot of TV while they are working."

Now if you'll excuse me, I have episode 15 to listen to while I design a web page.

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