Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Everything is Under Control

Getting some other projects to the front burner tonight. Which is actually working out to be quite a nice schedule of production. I have a constant flow of work to keep me busy most every night of the week. Good thing I have Tivo or I'd miss the premiere of Lost next Wednesday!
  • Closing out the Moonstone job tonight and tomorrow. It has been a long typesetting job for a short story collection. But at least it will finally be done.
  • Flatman is working on my pages for Of Bitter Souls #4 tonight. Jung and Ken are taking care of me. If you're a colorist you should really check 'em out.
  • After completing most of the flats I'll be tackling the Arcana series starting with the double page splash. Man, it's gonna be fun. Some really weird stuff going on from my good friend Keith Dallas. Should be a fun ride.
  • And going to do some page designs for a merger/overhaul of two existing web sites. Can't say right now but the new designs will rock. That is all I can say for now. Ooooo, spooky, I know.
So sit back, relax and know that I have everything under control...really.

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