After being on a bit of a hiatus, I am brushing off the portfolio and starting on some new, promising projects. Thus, the portfolio cleaning. Digging through back-up disks on a rainy Sunday afternoon can be quite the trip down memory lane. It's a tough trial by fire to get your name out there. But ultimately, once you've made the right contacts and friends, the experience is ultimately a rewarding one. Fills one with a sense of accomplishment to have your work published.
This is the original cover for
Of Bitter Souls #1. I still like this one better than the "sunset" second printing version you'll find below. It was a blast working with a legend like Norm (though he'll never accept that title). Mostly Photoshop work here with custom brushes from ErasreX (Thanks, bro).
Art: Norm Breyfogle
Colors: Mike Kowalczyk
Title: Of Bitter Souls #1 (Speakeasy then Markosia)