Wednesday, December 28, 2005

Newsfeed Wednesday

This CBR release would explain why Kurt Busiek is leaving Conan. Did you see this one, Rich?

Charlie Benante paints a Dean guitar to honor Dimbag. Don't bother reading the infantile bickering below the post. It will only make you angry.

Why is C|Net scooping The Beat and Newsarama on this little tidbit about Crumb sueing Amazon? Heidi? Matt? You guys dropped the ball on this one.

Freddie Williams from Speakeasy to DC? How does that work? Good for him. Congrats. Hope you don't get yanked off it like Pascal Ferry!

Excellent article about one of my guilty pleasures from the past: Strikforce: Morituri. Brett Anderson art. Peter Gillis story. Original concepts. Marvel should take note from their past instead of dusting off the New Universe.

Signed up for this one as soon as I saw it in Previews...Mouse Guard! Smylie knows good art when he see's it. Now if they could just do something about that lettering. Call me, I know a few good ones.

What the hell...just because everyone else is linking to it...Body Bags on iTunes. I hate the opening sequence but the art is Jason Pearson's best work. And I am a whore for expanding the medium.