Fighting a head cold today. Definitely do not dig. Not gonna get much done today. Bad thing is that my plate is pretty full right now. I have to finish up one more project for Moonstone, gotta get back to my Arcana project and start on issue 4 of Of Bitter Souls. And now a head cold has the nerve to strike now?! If my head cold was a person I wish I could be kicking it's ass right now! Gonna recoupe tonight and hit it hard tomorrow. No major plans or events this weekend. Which is good 'cause I need to dig in and get some of this stuff done.
Picked up Y: The Last Man and Fell. Also bought the trade of Kade from Arcana. Read Y already. Good, good stuff. It had a 8 page preview of DMZ in the back. I am so there. I'd wait for a trade but when it comes to Brian Wood I dunno if I can.
Finally got my Losers Vol. 1 trade back from a friend. Shame the title is getting cancelled. We need more books like this on the shelf. I'll have to get the rest of the trades just to see where they went with it. I am really starting to see why people like Jim Lee say they don't have time for monthlies and buy a trade once in a while. I am getting there myself and if I get more paying gigs I will have to do just that!
Man, I love comics!
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