Did a crash-and-burn on the cover for OBS issue 5 cover. You'll have to wait for Previews to see the full image. Don't want to give too much away here. What fun would that be? Scanned. cleaned up the line art, flatted and colored in a little under 7 hours. jammed out to Fear Factory's Demanufacture for the first half. Then changed over to reruns of X-Files. Amazingly enough just listening to tv keeps me awake into the wee hours. Changing gears tonight to finish the sample page for another publisher. More on that later, but I can say it's damn cool.
I know I didn't finish talking about whatelse went down in Chi-town but seems like everyone else has that covered by now. Read about my buddy Chuck playing poker with Jim Lee (amoungst other big time pros) at
More later. You Dig?