Tuesday, March 08, 2005

Long Hours

Business has been picking up to say the least! Been working long hours on a major coloring project that will be a monthly series. Waiting to hear where it's home will be. Also been acting as "psuedo-editor" for a penciler friend working on a one-shot for Moonstone. Some of his best work ever. Soon as I have a release date I'll fill you in. And I did some new Moonstone logo designs for Belle Starr and Geronimo as well. We'll see if they like any of them. Should have a portfolio section up here soon. Gutterzombie only allows for four images. So instead of rotating images whenever I do new work I am going to try to assemble a running archive of previews here. Processing...

Only 25 days 'til Sin City! New trailer with all new footage here!

ICAA has the new Comics This Week list up, too.

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