Monday, January 03, 2005

New Year...New Deadlines

2005 is upon us and that means a whole new set of deadlines to blow. I have been seriously deliquent on some projects while completing others slightly ahead of schedule. Coloring changes are due by Wednesday and an interview and review are due by the end of the week. As well as a extensive form for the non-profit site. I have really got my work cut out for me. Not to mention the kids are sick. Which as any of you with children know doesn't do a thing for your consentration. Contiued tension at work only adds to the strain.

But as any good American does I am going to try to abide by my New Years resolutions. Get my home improvements done. Columns and reviews will be on time and weekly. Coloring will be done on time (usually do). And I will do my best to make a "daily" post here. Hopefully I won't have to break any of these til July at the earliest!

I hope everyone had a great couple of holiday breaks (unfortunately underscored by tragic world events). If anything these recent events made me more thankful that in years past. Never take for granted any of the gifts given to you.

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