Monday, October 11, 2004

Dr. Swan is gone.

The passing of Christopher Reeve has shocked and saddened a great number of people. From those entrenched in the comic industry to Hollywood to mainstream news and even fan sites. Others have posted their own releases as well. I am sure there are too many to name/link.

This one, at The Beat, by far struck home the hardest.

This one man was a link between news sources, entertainment, political discussion (he was mentioned in Friday night's debate), scientific research and innumerable other interests. He has touched each of us at least once through his craft or his fight to help others like him. In the end, he was more like his most famous on-screen role than any of us could have imagined. He will be missed.

Today we are all saddened.
Today we are all at a loss.
Today we are all comic book geeks.