I only picked up two books this week:
One being the return of Mike Mignola (at least to writing for this series), BPRD: Plague of Frogs #4. Great work by all creators invovled. The story is dynamite. The art (Guy Davis...read his Marquis from Oni Press, too!) is some of his best. Dave Stewart's colors continue to amaze me. In a completely different style than the way he colors Conan. I am too much of a Hellboy-whore to wait for the trade on this one (which is inevitable I am sure).
Second book was a weird occurance. Can you believe that with all the great reviews I've heard I was able to find a copy of Love Fights #1? Seems the book is just sitting on the shelf in order, every issuer and no one is picking it up. This has happened before at this same exact store. For the first two years no one but me was picking up Transmetropolitan. The owner told me that it wasn't until the thirs year that anyone else took notice and added it to their pull lists. But I digress. I haven't read Love Fights yet. I will by moring. Anyone else read this book have any comments?
Reading: Near Mint Heroes
Listening: System of a Down's Toxicity
Watching: Office Space
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