Sunday, April 17, 2011

LOST Collected Edition

LOST Collected Edition by ~PlanetKojo on deviantART

LOST consumed many of our collective thoughts and theories for six season. More so than any other broadcast series in quite some time. ~McGone started these character studies with no other intent than just that. An artist refining his craft while paying homage to a story that had captured our minds and brought us along for a fantastic journey. My part in this loosely-termed project was very much the same. Inspired by line work that was better that most at capturing the similitude of these fascinating characters, I slowly began to add my own splashes of color. The Sunday LOST Post formed out of the ether over the winter since McGone had been so prolific. I decided to make it a challenge for myself to color one piece each week. Staying pretty true to that schedule I have stretched and honed my skills of the course of this experiment. One I truly enjoyed each and every brush stroke.

This collected image closes the book on LOST...for now.

"Not leaving. No. Moving on." - Christian Shephard

Sunday, March 13, 2011

River of Firefly & Serenity

River of Firefly+Serenity by ~PlanetKojo on deviantART

The not-so-secret project revealed...a very special Sunday Firefly/Serenity Post!

"Also? I can kill you with my brain."

My fellow comrade-in-arts McGone penciled and inked this phenomenal image of River Tam in honor of my birthday. Since my compatriot took it up quite a few notches, I wanted to labor over this one more than usual. Hopefully the final version you see here was worth the extra week wait!

I had a very specific vision for executing this so, breaking from my usual modus operandi on the LOST work, this one is 100% all-genuine Photoshop.

Sunday, February 13, 2011